Picture of Zhang Hui

Zhang Hui

Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant; Translator (English to Chinese, and Chinese to English); Interpreter (English to Mandarin, and Mandarin to English); Practicing lawyer (China)

《加拿大移民法》知识普及(二)   An Overview of IRPA II

从IRPA的宗旨和目的可以看出,加拿大吸收永久居民(Permanent Resident)和临时居民的原则都是以其本国利益最大化为准的。当然,其宗旨和目的中关于难民(Refugee)保护部分旨在履行其作为签约国的国际义务,是出于人道原则;因为我国并不吸收难民,难民问题对我们而言是个陌生的话题,在此略过。

在第一部分中介绍了IRPA分为五大部分。第一部分入境加拿大有关规定(Immigration to Canada)对如下事项作出了规定:
–  移民选择(Selection of immigrants into Canada)
–  联邦政府与省政府在移民事务方面的权限(Sharing of power between the provinces and the Federal government)
–  禁止入境与勒令离境(Grounds of inadmissibility and of removal from Canada)
– 入境检查程序(Procedures for examine persons seeking to come into Canada)
–  驱逐出境Deportation proceedings
–  羁押(Detention of persons)
–  对移民局决定的司法审查(Judicial review of immigration decisions)
–  信息与国家安全保护(Special provisions dealing with the protection of information and national security)

第二部分是关于难民保护的规定。第三部分是规定勒令离境前的风险评估(Pre-removal Risk Assessment)。第四部分相当于移民难民裁判委员会的组织法(Immigration and Refugee Board, IRB)。第五部分是以IRPA生效后之前的移民事项如何处理的过渡衔接性条款(Transitional Provisions)。

–  移民庭(Immigration Division):负责决定外国人是否有禁入情形,以及羁押与开释;
–  移民上诉庭(Immigration Appeal Division):负责决定永久居民对离境令的上诉及对家庭成员团聚被拒申请的上诉;
–  难民庭(Refugee Division):负责难民资格的认定;申请认定难民资格的申请人其申请一旦获准,可向加拿大移民局递交永久居民申请;
–  难民上诉庭(Refugee Appeal Division):负责处理对不服难民庭决定的上诉

  • All
  • 2. Protect Yourself from Immigration Fraud and Unethical or Incompetent Practice
  • 3. An Overview of Canadian Immigration (Chinese)
  • 4. An Overview of Permanent Residence Programs in Canada
  • 5. An Overview of Temporary Residence Programs

Office Address:
The Second Floor, 5050 Kingsway, Burnaby, BC, Canada, V3J 1C6 

Office Hours: 
Monday – Friday 9:00–17:00
Saturday/Sunday&Statute Holidays Close

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