Temporary Residency Program

Temporary resident refers to visitors, workers, students, and temporary resident permit holders.

The conditions apply to temporary residents include:
– they must leave Canada by the end of their authorized stay period;
– they must not work or study unless authorized by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) or hold a work or study permit.

Failing to comply with conditions imposed upon temporary resident by IRPA or conditions on their immigration documents, i.e. visa, work permit, study permit, or temporary resident permit, may cause foreign nationals to become inadmissible on the grounds of non-compliance.

Canada has implemented some immigration policies that in favour of work permit / study permit holders. A valid job offer from a Canadian employer has a significant impact on a foreign national’s permanent residence application. However, buying or selling a job offer or using a position on paper to meet certain selection criteria are illegal, which could lead to misrepresentation. Misrepresentation will cause an individual inadmissible and be banned from entering Canada for five years.